How to Spot Clean Your Carpet?

How to Spot Clean Your Carpet? It’s inevitable to have wine spills and coffee spills in your home. What happens next is the key to keeping your carpet spotless.

The holy grail of spot carpet cleaning is water. Before reaching for any cleaning solution, start your process with water. Blot your stain with a clean, white cloth.

Once you have tried plain water without avail, it is time to consider using an industry carpet stain cleaner or a DIY solution.

How to Spot Clean Your Carpet? –
Step 1: Remove Excess Residue


Using a butter knife, carefully remove all excess residue from the carpet. Next, blot away any excess liquid with clean, absorbent cloth by applying pressure to soak the stain up. Repeat this process until all excess stains have been removed.

It is important to work from the outside edge of the stain. Work your way towards the inside of the stain. Never rub the stain, this could cause damage to your existing carpet fibers.

How to Spot Clean Your Carpet? –
Step 2: Carolyn Fortes Stain Removal Process


Carolyn Forte, director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab, recommends using spray bottles to start the cleaning process. You will need two spray bottles. Once spray bottle for cold water. A second spray bottle with a mix of ¼ teaspoon hand-dishwashing liquid and 1 cup of warm water.

Now spray the detergent on to a white, absorbent cloth – not on the carpet and blot the stain until it dissolves.

Once the stain dissolves, a separate cloth will need to be used. Spray the second cloth with cold water. Continue to blot the same spot until the solution is completely rinsed. Ensure that there is no residue on the carpet before you finish this process.

Once this is completed, you can then blot again with a dry cloth until the area is dried.

How to Spot Clean Your Carpet? –
Step 3: The Deep Clean


Finally, put a stack of towels on the stain. You use paper towels or a dry cloth. It is important to sure that the cloth is absorbent, clean and does not transfer any color.

Once the cloth is placed on the floor put a heavy object on top of it.

This will soak up residue remaining deep within the carpet fibers.

How to Spot Clean Your Carpet? –
Here is a comprehensive list of household solutions for common stains that hard to tackle:

  • Coffee or Tea:

Mix 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide with 1 tablespoon dishwashing soap.

Blot the spill first with plain water. Next, apply the solution sparingly.

Let it remain for a few seconds then carefully work the solution in with a soft bristle brush.

Rinse the stain with water and blot. Repeat if necessary.

  • Blood:

Mix one tablespoon liquid hand-washing detergent with 2 cups of cold water.

If the stain has dried, ensure you use a soft-bristled brush to remove the deposit in the carpet.

Use a clean cloth, blot the stain with the detergent solution until it has dissolved.

If the spot remains on your carpet, you can create a stronger ammonia mix by mixing 1 tablespoon of ammonia with a cup of warm water.

  • Gum:

Like most stains, when trying to remove gum from your carpet, the best bet is to do it immediately.

Place a handful of ice into a zip lock bag. Put the bag directly onto the gum stain. This will harden the gum and make it easier to remove from the carpet.

You are now ready to scrape. Use a butter knife and fully scare the gum from the carpet.

Once all the gum residue has been cleared, blot the gum stain with a mix of ¼ teaspoon dishwashing liquid and 1 cup of warm water.

Don’t forget to cover the gum stain with a paper towel to soak up any remaining liquid.


Create a solution of 1 cup of white distilled vinegar, 1 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent.

Dip a soft-bristled brush into the solution and apply it to the urine-stained carpet. Ensure to work in the solution to let the vinegar set deep into the carpet.

  • Wine:

With a white cloth, try to blot as much of the wine stain as possible.

Once you have blotted as much of the stain as possible, pour a bit of cold water directly over the wine stain. This will help dilute what remains of the stain. Continue blotting.

Finally, prepare a baking soda paste. Use three teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of water. Apply the paste to the affected area. Once the paste is dry, vacuum the stain.